Friday, June 10, 2011

Cook with your kids!

Important literacy skills are present in cooking activities!

The best learning takes place when you do these things with your child, so here are some ways to make it happen.


1. Cook together and chat while you do. When you cook with children, they learn how to combine ingredients, mix, stir, and taste. But they also learn language. They use nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as they talk about what they’re doing.

2. Read a recipe together. The recipe is made of words and pictures that communicate exactly what to do. By doing each step in order, the finished product will be delicious!

3. Plan a grocery list. Collect any coupons you can find. Shop together.

4. Read! Usborne has the best kid-friendly cookbooks & recipe card sets!

5. Make your own menus.

6. Make place-card labels with everyone's name.

7. Read food labels and talk about nutrition.

8. Make at least one meal a day when you can all sit down together and talk about your day. Conversation builds vocabulary and togetherness.

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